Early Romans adopted this start time as well, making the start of their year March 1. Then along came Julius Caesar, who changed the first day of the year to January 1 in honor of the god Janus, thus creating our modern New Year's day. The Roman god Janus had two faces, so he was able to look back (on the old year) while looking forward (on the new year).

So now, in 2009, it is once again time to make New Year's resolutions. More than a new year, we are also on the brink of a new decade (hence in influx of 'best of the 2000's list - click here, and here, here, here and here for some of my favs), so its a good time to think about what you might like to resolve to do in the next 10 years. Unfortunately, according to some individuals (who decided to leave me a voicemail message sharing their perspective, no lie) the world is going to end in 2012, so if you have a resolution for the new decade, you better get on that.
Here are my possible resolutions for 2010...
- Take better care of myself i.e. sleep more, worry less, buy good foods, refrain from mixing beer and liquor, work it out
- Keep a neater apartment (no, its not a huge mess, but the dishes to have a tendency to pile up when I'm busy)
- Help my dog get unfat - she's getting a little Spunkyish

When it comes to New Years resolutions, try to choose things you will actually be able to accomplish. To quote What About Bob?, take baby steps. The majority of people forget their resolutions by the beginning of February. Lets take my resolutions and break each one down into a smaller obtainable goal:
- Stop eating truffles
- Buy paper plates
- Switch to diet dog food
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