Billboard was founded in 1894 as a trade magazine covering bill posting. It started covering entertainment, and began highlighting music when the first successful line of jukeboxes were invented in 1927. In 1940, Billboard released their first official Music Popularity Chart, and the rest is history.
So why does Billboard dictate that albums should be released on Tuesdays? The Billboard charts were published on Wednesday, so in order for an album to generate the highest sales before the next chart was posted, it needed to be released on a Tuesday. As I said before, now that we can calculate totals and get information at the click of a button, charts can posted every day, but albums are still traditionally released on Tuesday.
As it is Tuesday, I would like to "drop" an album. No no, not my own - I put away my ruby slippers a long time ago - my brother's.

I have written of my brother many times. I think he is pretty awesome. He has used his innovation to create unique works of art (which have sold in galleries for upwards of $200) and one of a kind clothing items like graphic-Ts and custom sneakers, as well as write posts for The New York Times "The Local" blog, and has now extended himself to into the world of music.

I always thought it was pretty funny that he could create a spontaneous song with guitar accompaniment about how I was "the worst sister in the world" whenever he wanted to get his way (it usually worked), but I had no idea how talented he was until I saw that he had created an entire album!
So, in the steps of award winning Gaelic singer and flautist Amelia Branigan, legendary childhood singers for the New York City Department of Sanitation, The Garbage Girls, guitarist John Branigan of Jersey, and bassist Fred Randall of Richard and the Young Lions, I present the premier album of Max Randall Branigan, "I Do Not Know" by Person Man.
You can also become his fan on Facebook. I suggest you do.
True, you can download the whole album for free99, but Max also makes physical copies of the CD, complete with individually designed covers. Want one? All you have to do is pick a number between 1 and 50 and post it below. Price is Right rules, closest guess wins, guess over you lose. No duplicates. Enter by Sunday at 11:59 - winner announced Monday.
Ready, set, guess!
My guess is 15. Please notify me at kfoley AT coynepr DOT com if I am the winner. Thanks much!
11 - pzakrzewski at coynepr dot com
I pick particular reason...just like the number right now. Good luck with everything Max.
16! sorry KFol
sreyes at coynepr dot com!
7 is my bet and I have no inside track on this! 7 is a number with mystical ties, so I tend to go with it when entering contests.
1 dollar, bob, i mean lila.
28...slickjer924 at gayOL
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