The game consists of a special four-sided top called a dreidel and gold foil covered coins called gelt (can be substituted for other counters such as coins, peanuts or Benjamin's if that's how you roll). The object of the game is to win all the tokens. Here is how you play:
1. Split the gelt evenly among all players
2. Everyone puts one in the middle
3. Player 1 spins the dreidel
4. If the dreidel lands on:
NUN - do nothing
GIMMEL - take everything in the pot
HEY - take half the pot
SHIN/PEH - add to the pot
5. Spin and repeat 2-5 until one player has everything
Still don't get it? Check out this video tutorial:
Since it is December, and has snowed, I believe it is time for a holiday contest. As I celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas, I felt it was best to incorporate both into my contest. Here is how it works. Below there is a picture of my Hanukkah setup. All you have to do is guess how many coins are in my Hanukkah cup (yes, there are coins that are NOT visible).

Guess correctly and you win....
A CHRISTMAS SUPER AWESOME FUN PACK! Inside you will find everything you need to have a Holly Jolly Christmas this year including...
* Giant Ho! Ho! Ho! pen
* "You've Been Naughty" coal
* "I Heart Santa" socks
* Reindeer Antlers
* A horrific pet costume
And more!
You will also win the Hanukkah gelt and a dreidel of your own (if I can find one, apparently no one is capitalizing on Hanukkah this year, because I went to TWO stores and there was NO Hanukkah merchandise). Runner ups will also receive goodies for their participation.

To enter, post your guess in the comments section below with your name and e-mail address by 11:59 PM on Friday, December 11 - the first night of Hanukkah! The winner will be announced on Saturday. One guess per person. Please no duplicate guesses.
Good luck!!!
46 minus what you may have eaten=43, final answer
kaz1980 at aol fot com
40 can i see the cup in person?
adarwish at gmail btw
42 Golden Coins, Three French Hens, Two Turtle Doves and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.
Obviously, 42 is my final answer.
Also, I watched an episode of Law and Order last night where Johnny Frost,a gambling addict, resorted to going to church bingo games when he was cut off from the underground poker circuit. After reading this post, I think the episode would have been so much better if the writers had him partake in an illegal dreidel ring to get his fix instead.
kf0283 AT yahoo DOT com
41. you can just give me my winnings on friday in person.
btw, for a minute there i thought you might have been giving away your ho-dawg sweater. Sigh o relief. That thing is beautiful and must be cherished forever.
39. Certainly 39.
shanamreyes at gmail dot com
michaelscicolone AT gmail DOT com
Got to be double chai... 34... or triple: 51.... nah, I'll stick with 34.
Jer - I did not eat any (thought about it though - you know me too well)
Ahmed - that would be cheating :)
Katie - can we start the underground dreidel ring? It's crush proof.
Amelia - I would NEVER give away the Ho! sweater. And you mean thursday, right?
Dearest Daddy, double chai is 36. xoxo
Sorry for the delay! Katie Foley was the winner with 42 coins!
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