Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The world's strongest magnet weighs more than eight hummers

The world's strongest magnet weighs more than eight hummers. This magnet system, named the 45T / 32mm Hybrid Magnet (Cell 15) is housed at the High Magnetic Field Laboratory at Florida State University.

It generates a field of 45 tesla (not Testa, tes-la) which is the unit of measure for magnets fields. This is over half a million times stronger than the magnetic pull of the Earth (something I really wouldn't screw with). Super magnets, like the 45T, help scientists with research that leads to advancements in medicine, material research and understanding nature.

These magnets are safe for humans to visit, but at a 30ft distance (unless of course you have a metal plate in your head or are using a pacemaker - then it would most likely kill you). It will however destroy the magnetic strips on your credit cards and ruin your electronic devices (so as you enter the room, please leave all your credit cards and electronics with me for, um, safekeeping...).

Your everyday refrigerator magnet generates a magnetic field of .01 tesla. I have recently started to acquire various magnets for my empty fridge, here is what I have so far...

Saddest collection ever

For more information on magnets, click here.

This post was inspired by the thought of starting a collection I used to justify buying an overpriced chotchka Atlantic City magnet.


amelia said...
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amelia said...
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amelia said...

they also play mario brothers music.