I loveee St. Patrick's Day parades (and St. Patrick's Day -- no wonder as my last name supposedly translates as a drunken brawl, ask Amelia) I would go to everyone in the area (if I could be in two places at once). While each parade is unique, there are a few things that stay the same; beer and public intoxication, corned beef and cabbage and of course, PARADE SWAG!
St. Patrick's Day Parade Package
Yes! There is no better way to celebrate this joyous holiday (might be my favorite of the year) then covering yourself in green clothing and glittery light-up accessories. So I figured, why not start the party a little early and give out some gaudy green gloriousness before the parades start (then maybe you won't have to chase the Guinness girls down for a 2 cent necklace. I did get lovely St. Patty's suspenders last year, thank you Heineken).
Here's how it is going to work, below is a beautiful Pot o' Gold (ok, it's a Solo Cup o' Change...it's a recession).
Solo Cup o' Change - click on the image and it will appear bigger in a new window, if you want to be all exact and actually count the change.
Now all you have to do is guess how much change is in the pot (aka Solo cup) and you win the St. Patty's Day Parade Package! Awesome right! I thought so (and no, I did not get these last year at the bar - they are new, with tags). Simple enough... here are a few rules (follow them, or else!).- Your guess must be in the following format: $0.00. This is not the gas station, no fractions of cents.
- You cannot guess a number someone has already guessed (there are enough numbers for all of you)
- You must MUST include your e-mail address in anti evil robot format i.e. lrbranigam AT gmail DOT com - entries without e-mail addresses are disqualified, you can't win if I can't e-mail you
- Submit your entry in the comments section below
- You must submit by 11:59 PM EST on Thursday, March 5. The winner will be announced on Friday, March 6
- Closest number wins (rounded up, for example, if the number is 12 and there is an 11 and a 13, 13 wins)
For more information of the history of St. Patrick's Day visit History.com.
i guess $4.57. Feel free to deliver my winnings to my cube i think you know where it is. But i will leave my email as well as per the rules - kf0283 at yahoo dot com
Im trying to remember times when Ive had to count chunks of change and what they've amounted to. Sooo based on that I'd say $5.85. I like the sound of that. My email is Shimmy136 at AOL dot com
:) Cheers
I say 5.00 Love, MaxtheDIM@gmail.com
my guess is $8.22 and my email is shanamreyes at gmail dot com!
$8.76. (thoughts while looking at cup: "...SO MANY QUARTERS! do you have any idea how many hours of PARKING and loads of LAUNDRY that cup would buy me?!?")
email: firstname dot lastname at gmail dot com.
ps: if i win, i want my winnings delivered to me in the form of many photos of you wearing said swag, posing all over you office. just a warning. no, you cannot take money out of the cup now. :)
My guess is $7.72. Let me know when I can pick up my swag. I NEVER win anything so I am excited for this. My email is perrijoseph at gmail DOT com.
Thug life.
$8.13 maven_wlc AT yahoo DOT com
My guess is $4.93 and my e-mail is lmj1227 at gmail dot com. xoxo LJ
I am guessing $6.19. This anount could by me a few beers at the Colonial bar in Morristown on parade day!
Please notify me that I am the winner at:
jgeraghty at coynepr dot com
opps - sirry for the typos
and again....
$11.23 arose12345 at hotmail dot com
paulzak2 at gmail dot com
March 17 suckers.
could there be dollars hidden in the back of the cup?
What a fun game!
My guess is $5.92
kwiatkma AT shu Dot edu
My guess is $14.37
drewtesta at gmail dot com
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