I can't believe it. I started this blog a year ago as a work assignment, and never ever in a million years thought people would actually read it. But they have!

And I thought, maybe they are just my friends...but I don't have 11,000 friends...

...in 118 places all over the world.
So how should I celebrate this momentous occasion? How about by giving away FREE STUFF!
Yes! All you have to do is guess which of the following posts has generated the most pageviews.
Easy right? Everyone who guesses the correct post will win...
...an official, limited edition, only available here, ENCYCLOPEDIA BRANIGAN 2010 wall calendar. I know. SO exciting.
Because I care about continuing education, the first person to guess the post with the most pageviews will also receive a $15 gift certificate to Barnes and Noble.
Here are the posts:
A. Peanuts are not nuts
B. What is a crownie?
C. Tattoos, getting underneath the skin for 5,200 years
D. Cheese balls were originally made out of livestock feed
E. A catfish has approximately 10,000 taste buds
F. Yawns are more contagious for primates who care
G. There is a 1 in 40 chance of winning the mega millions
H. Earthquakes in New Jersey are Ramapo's fault
Post your guess in the comments section below. Please include your e-mail address or you can't win. Tell me which post on all of Encyclopedia Branigan is your favorite, and you get TWO guesses.
The deadline for entry is Sunday, October 11 at 11:59 PM. Winners will be announced on Monday, October 12.
Ready, set, go!
1. "Merengue is a dance of sympathy" is obviously my favorite post.
2. my first guess is: C
3. my second guess is: F
4. shanamreyes at gmail dot com
Mega Millions Post
michaelscicolone AT yahoo DOT com
"Superfood for a Superdad"
was my favorite.
Guess I'm disqualified from entering the contest cause of the rules fine print, huh?
Yer Dad
I'm going with C
shawn [at] shawnmurphy.net
My favorite post is What is a Crownie?
D and E
My favorite posting is: One hundred apologies, Mr. Centipede (and other bugs with good intentions)
So with that I have two guesses:
C and G
Congratulations on your successful blog! Keep it up.
My email is: lagunther@yahoo.com
I guess G and F
My favorite has to be D - although i didn't win that day after calling UTZ in Hanover, PA.
My fave post is Crownies - Yum! If I win, you should bring some in to work :)
My guesses are E and H.
kf0283 AT yahoo DOT com
Favorite post - Happy Mother's Day...I wonder why?
Mega Millions
Congrats, Lila. This blog is awesome!
mega millions, for sure. that's my guess. people love money!
My favorite blog has to be "Sorry, but it's called "the Shore"... because I LOVE NJ (may or not be sarcastic, depending on my mood.)
Guess #1- Peanuts are not nuts
Guess #2- Mega Millions
lmj1227 at gmail dot com
I really want a calender, so if I don't win can you send me one any way? .... think about it...
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