Friday, May 8, 2009

Smart people are born in May...and winners are born in March

Smart people are born in May...and winners are born in March.

I was born on May 10 at 5:28 AM, making Miss Shana Bananas with her guess of 4:33 AM the winner of the official Encyclopedia Branigan Crownie Making Kit. Yay!! I'm guessing I might be getting a Crownie cake this year... haha.

A close runner up was Maven, who guessed 7:13 AM, in third place was LJ with 2:45 AM and honorable mention goes to JAG with 11:27 AM. They will all receive certificates from the University of Branigan for their participation.

I would also like to recognize Paul, and award him the Early Bird Gets the Worm Award, for being the first person to wish me Happy Birthday! Next contest you get three guesses. :)

Thank you for your participation!!!

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