I'm sorry to burst your superstitious bubble, but unless they tape off a row and leave it empty, row 13 is still there. It's just called 14 now. Sorry. My biggest concern on my last flight was not my row, but that my headphones broke in the middle of Up when my rowmate crushed them with his ass. Thanks to the very nice stewardess, I was able to obtain a new pair. Unfortunately the plane landed before I could finish the movie. No, I was not in row 14. I was in 9.
Airline row omission goes beyond the infamous row 13 (which is also left out of buildings from time to time) - in Japanese culture rows 4 and 9 are also omitted as they are considered unlucky in Japanese culture.
For more information on superstition and Friday the 13th, check out Romans are the reason a broken mirror means seven years bad luck and People who fear Friday the 13th suffer from Paraskavedekatriaphobia.
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