Supposedly, back, back in the twelfth century day, a church in the English town of Dunmow promised a side of bacon to any man who could swear to god that he had not fought with his wife for a year and a day. Back then, men who "brought home the bacon" were held in high regards for their good relationships with their wives.
The United States is one of the richest countries in the world and has a depressingly high divorce rate. Maybe that church had the right idea...reward people for treating each other with respect (by giving them bacon haha).
I'll start the trend with the fattiest creation I have EVER baked. Tonight I successfully replicated Bacon Cupcakes!!! (yes, replicated. Credit where credit is due, while I did put my own spin on my little coronary delights, the idea originally came from Kumquat Cupcakery - if you have the opportunity to try one of their creations, consider yourself lucky, they are AMAZING).
Now I know what you are thinking. Bacon, on a cupcake, EWW. But don't knock them till you try them. If you like the salty sweet combo of chocolate covered pretzels, then you will probably enjoy this treat.
Besides, there are farrr stranger ways to use bacon...who wouldn't want a bacon wallet to hold their cheddah? Check it out here.
For more creative ways to make your favorite fatty foods even worse for you, visit one of my FAVORITE blogs, This is why you're fat.
If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go enjoy my cakes, and then have a very long date with my elliptical :)
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