On May 10, 2010, I will 25 years old. Yessss - the big 2-5. I've come a long way from this...

So to celebrate, I've decided to give away some free stuff! What, you ask, am I giving away to commemorate such a special occasion?
If you work with me, you know I am completely in love with unsweetened iced tea (sorry diet lemon Snapple iced tea, its o-v-e-r). On my recent trip to Puerto Rico I developed a severe addiction to the beverage and have not looked back.
Ok, back to the free stuff, since I run on Dunkin and care about recycling and such , I am giving away a reusable Dunkin Donuts cold beverage and a gift certificate to fill it with whatever delicious DD product you desire!

How do you win? Simple. Last year I asked you to guess what time I was born. THIS year, you have to guess my birth weight to win!
Enter your estimate in the comments section. Please include your guess in pounds an ounces (for example, 47lb 9oz - not plausible baby weight). Please no duplicates. Closest guess wins, Price is Right rules. No cheating and asking my mother. Contest closes on May 7 at 11:59 AM.
Ready, set, guess!