One day, around 1930 or so, Edward Wilson, a flake machine operator at the Flakall Company noticed that when the flaked food was mixed with water and heated it created a puffy curl of corn. He took the puffs and added oil and flavorings -- thus creating the first cheese puff. Now there are many kinds of processed puffed corn cheese snacks, and it is estimated that 82% of Americans with families have consumed some kind of cheese puff.

Come back!
Planter's Cheez Balls were so popular that a petition was formed when they were taken off the market to bring them back (sign it here, I dare you).Ever wanted your own barrel of cheese balls but just couldn't make the commitment to eat the how many balls are in one of those things? That's where I need some help (giving away free stuff). Check out the below photo...
if you can guess how may cheese balls are in the barrel (estimate based on nutrition label - the barrel will remain sealed) you win...
...drum roll please...
... the barrel of cheese puffs! Yes. Really. No lie.
A few rules:
- Post your guess in the comments section below
- Include your e-mail address (anti-robot style)
- Closest price wins, go over and you loose
- All entries must be in by 11:59 p.m. EST on Monday, April 6 - winner will be posted the following Tuesday
- Runner ups will receive certificates of participation (looks good cube - certificates have a way of making the smallest desk seem a like a corner office)
- No double guesses, first come first serve
Ready, set, say cheese balls!